Pivotal Blog
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IAB UK Digital Skills Gap Research - Why it’s a problem and how do we fix it? IAB UK partnered up with Middlesex University in attempt to delve deeper into the uprise of the skills gap in the ad industry and provide advice to help the industry e... read more

As technology continues to advance, we have to continue to adapt. We can all agree that AI is here and not necessarily an emerging trend anymore. What is emerging is how businesses use AI and technology to maximise hiring processes and employee ... read more

At the heart of every successful company lies an incredibly strong emphasis on the team and hiring the right people. An efficient hiring process is the most important part of company strategy. Every new person joining the team can either bring t... read more

In the ever-changing employment industry, hiring talent remains the number one concern for most CEOs and hiring managers, so innovative hiring practices are pivotal! In order to remain competitive, as an employer, having the right people on your... read more

Diversity and Inclusion are high on our agenda. Pivotal London has partnered with the IAB, to help launch its Get into Digital Guide , with the goal of reaching young people aged between 16-18 years old, from a variety of socio-economic backgrou... read more

We get it. Recruiting exceptional talent is tough. And we understand that is can be particularly hard within the digital marketing space. Given the mounting pressure of meeting headcount targets, the stress of hitting project deadlines, and the ... read more

The seasonal hiring push has already started. That’s right; it’s that time of the year again, where we all share our shock of how early Christmas has come along. And with key trading dates such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas and New Ye... read more

You’ve reached the end of the road, nailed most of your interviews and the final stage of the hiring process is now here. But this isn’t your first rodeo. You know you need to approach this last interview with optimism and scrutiny. You’re aware... read more

Patrick Rodowicz, Head of Insight at Simply Business will be joining an exciting list of expert speakers at this month’s upcoming CRAP Talk, scheduled to take place on Wednesday, July 31 st . Here’s what you can expect from Patrick’s talk: Patri... read more